Skip to main content Skip to search Skip to main navigation organization Logo The Auto Finesse ObliTARate Tar Remover is a fast-acting petroleum-based gel formula that effortlessly removes tar, rubber and adhesive residue from all kinds of exterior surfaces, such as paintwork, glass and even plastic strips. Thanks to the thicker g…
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ObliTARate Gel Tar Remover - 500ml

The Auto Finesse ObliTARate Tar Remover is a fast-acting petroleum-based gel formula that effortlessly removes tar, rubber and adhesive residue from all kinds of exterior surfaces, such as paintwork, glass and even plastic strips. Thanks to the thicker gel formula, you can use this product perfectly without unnecessarily affecting the excess paintwork.

Always be careful with sensitive lacquers such as very old lacquers, newly painted lacquers and SMART repairs. Tar removers can affect this paint. When in doubt, always first try on a surface that is least obvious.

ObliTARate is also excellent for removing glue residue from stickers and logos.

Product number: AF-OBGL500
Consistency: Liquid

EUH066: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
Exclamation Mark: Health hazard/Hazardous to the ozone layer

Let altijd op bij gevoelige lakken zoals zeer oude lakken, net gespoten lakken en SMART repairs. Teerverwijderaars kunnen deze lak aantasten. Bij twijfel altijd eerst even proberen op de minst opvallende plek.







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1 review

Werkt niet, verdunde white spirit

Werkt voor geen meter op harde, oud ingebakken teervlekken. Dure prijs voor iets wat verdacht veel naar klassieke white spirit ruikt.

Dimitri - 30/04/2022

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