Skip to main content Skip to search Skip to main navigation organization Logo Nanolex PreWash is a highly effective alkaline pre-wash designed to loosen stubborn contaminants like insects, road grime, and mud without touching the surface. It is also very effective as a preparation for paint coatings. Foam the car with PreWash and…
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PreWash Concentrate - 750ml

Nanolex PreWash is a highly effective alkaline pre-wash designed to loosen stubborn contaminants like insects, road grime, and mud without touching the surface. It is also very effective as a preparation for paint coatings. Foam the car with PreWash and wash it gently, then rinse thoroughly. This process removes polishing residues and oils, ensuring that a coating can adhere properly to the surface. 
Corrosion inhibitors make this product safe for sensitive surfaces, such as anodized aluminum. The concentrate can be diluted from 1:10 up to 1:30. Nanolex PreWash is developed, tested, and manufactured in Germany.

Product number: NXPRE07

H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H315: Causes skin irritation.
H318: Causes serious eye damage.
Corrosion: Corrosive

  • Dilution: 1:30 to 1:10
  • Apply the product using a pump sprayer, spray bottle, or foam lance. 
  • Rinse off well; do not allow it to dry.







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Zeer goed

Ik gebruik meerdere pre-washes van diverse merken maar deze is wel echt een van de betere. Goed vervulbaar, geen nare geur, weekt vuil goed los. Na afspuiten blijft er geen residu achter dus voor mij echt een topper.

michel - 21/06/2021