Ga naar de hoofdinhoud general.skipToSearch general.skipToNavigation organization Logo Nanolex PreWash is a highly effective alkaline pre-wash designed to loosen stubborn contaminants like insects, road grime, and mud without touching the surface. It is also very effective as a preparation for paint coatings. Foam the car with PreWash and…
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PreWash Concentrate - 5000ml

Nanolex PreWash is a highly effective alkaline pre-wash designed to loosen stubborn contaminants like insects, road grime, and mud without touching the surface. It is also very effective as a preparation for paint coatings. Foam the car with PreWash and wash it gently, then rinse thoroughly. This process removes polishing residues and oils, ensuring that a coating can adhere properly to the surface. 
Corrosion inhibitors make this product safe for sensitive surfaces, such as anodized aluminum. The concentrate can be diluted from 1:10 up to 1:30. Nanolex PreWash is developed, tested, and manufactured in Germany.

Artikelnummer: NXPRE02

H314: Veroorzaakt ernstige brandwonden en oogletsel.
H315: Veroorzaakt huidirritatie.
H318: Veroorzaakt ernstig oogletsel.
corrosie: Corrosief

  • Verdunning: 1:30 tot 1:10  
  • Breng het product aan via een pompverstuiver, sprayfles of foamlance.  
  • Tijdig afspuiten, niet op laten drogen.







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Ideaal na polijstwerken

Ik gebruik deze vaak na zware lak correcties. Ideaal om achtergebleven stof en polijstresidu te verwijderen op een veilige manier.

Renzo - 10/08/2019

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